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Tangihanga icon


Gathering for all funerals and tangihanga is not permitted at Alert Level 4 to protect all whānau and stop the spread of COVID-19

What to do if you need help
If someone in your whānau or your bubble dies:

  • Choose someone in your bubble to make the arrangements
  • Contact local police Police Iwi liaison officers
  • Contact the health service or doctor of the person who has passed away

Contact a local funeral director who will help organise the next steps

Funeral Directors
The funeral director may help with:

  • livestreaming a service on social media, or filming for later viewing
  • holding the tūpāpaku for a tangihanga when restrictions lift
  • holding a memorial service later, when it is safe to do so

Whānau in the same bubble as the tūpāpaku and other friends and family will not be allowed to go to the funeral home for viewing, karakia, poroporoaki or mihi.

Burials at Urupa

  • Whānau who live near their urupā can bury their tūpāpaku loved one there.
  • Whānau will need to make the urupā arrangements themselves.
  • Contact your local marae to help with Level 4 arrangements.
  • Whānau and friends cannot attend the burial at Alert Level 4.

Tangihanga Information at health.govt.nz
