Disability Icon

Pārongo Hauātanga
Disability Information

Face Covering Icon

Face Masks and Coverings

The law says you must now wear a face mask if you go out in public.
You also need to wear a face-covering on public transport and at departure points

  • Face masks help prevent COVID-19 from spreading, and keeps you and others safe.
  • Face masks help stop saliva droplets in the air when someone is
    • Talking
    • Laughing
    • coughing or
    • sneezing.
  • This includes a person who has COVID-19, but thinks they are well and does not have obvious symptoms.
  • If you don't have a face mask, you can make or buy one.

Wear a face mask that is clean, dry, and not damaged

Exemption for Face Coverings
You do not need to wear a face-covering if you are:

  • under the age of 12
  • have a physical or mental illness
  • have a disability or health condition that makes wearing a face-covering uncomfortable

Get a exemption card from the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ
Phone: 04 801 9100
Email: info@dpa.org.nz

Use the exemption card when you go to the:

  • Supermarket
  • Chemist
  • Public transport

Find out more on: Face coverings and exemptions

Code of rights icon

Code of Rights

There is a Code of Rights to protect everyone using health and disability services.

A law put in place an independent Commissioner to protect these rights You have the right to:

  1. be treated with respect

  2. be treated fairly

  3. dignity and independence

  4. have good care and support that fits your needs

  5. be told things in a way that you understand

  6. be told everything you need to know about your care and support

  7. make choices about your care and support

  8. have support

  9. decide if you want to be part of training, teaching, or research

  10. make a complaint

Find out more about your rights here

Support icon

Supported decision-making

Supported decision-making is recognised as a right for everyone in New Zealand.

Supported decision-making is a way for people to make their own decisions so they have control of their life.

It means people who need support are involved in all decisions that concern them.

Supported decision-making is different from ‘substitute decision-making, when someone else makes decisions for a person.

There is a move now to more supported decision-making.

More about Supported Decision-making
About Vaccines and Supported Decision-making

Informed consent icon

Informed Consent

Your doctor and health provider must explain everything you need to know about your healthcare.

  • Ask them questions.
  • If you want, whānau or carers can support you with making decisions.
  • It is your Right to choose.

For more information on informed consent click here:
Health and Disability Code
