Hauātanga tautoko (63)

Age Concern Auckland - Counties Manukau Office

Accredited Visiting Service, Elder Abuse and Neglect Response Services, Health Promotion Programmes including: Staying Safe: Refresher Courses for Older Drivers, Steady As You Go© Positive Steps – Falls Prevention Programme, Community Strength & Balance Classes, Asian Services, Counselling Services, Field Social Work, AT - Total Mobility Scheme


Cambria Park Homestead, 250 Puhinui Rd, Papatoetoe, Manukau 2056

09 279 4331, Ext 800


Auckland Deaf Society Incorporated

Disablity Suuports. Whanau Turi (Deaf).

Auckland Down Syndrome Association

Disability Supports

CCS Disability Action – Royal Oak Office

Disability Supports. Support documents available for download on website.

Complex Care Group

Support for carers

Creative Abilities

Team of caregivers work alongside people with physical and/or intellectual impairments, services include Supported/community living & flexible care, recreational health and wellbeing, personal development and advocacy, community based opportunities, social activities and outings.

Dance Therapy NZ

Hinengaro, Disability Supports.

Deaf Aotearoa

Staff available via usual contact details, OR contact: Skype: COVID-19.deafaotearoa (Mon-Fri 8am–4pm), COVID-19 enquiries: covid@deaf.org.nz, General: national@deaf.org.nz, Assessments/access to services: duty@deaf.org.nz, Phone: 0800 33 23 22

Disability Connect

Disability Supports. Resources for whānau haua for COVID19 available on website and Facebook page. 

Elevate Christian Disability Trust

Emerge Aotearoa

We are a national charitable trust that provides a wide range of health and social services. Our mission is all about strengthening whānau so communities can thrive.

3 Nga waahi

5/17 Lambie Drive, Manukau 2104

(09) 265 0255

197 Universal Drive, Level 1B, Henderson, Auckland 0610

(09) 839 7324

103 Richardson Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025

(09) 847 9187

Enliven Auckland

Disability Supports. During COVID 19, Enliven staff will only do house visits when necessary, all other contact and support in this time is provided over the phone.


2171 Great North Road, Avondale, Auckland 0600

+64 9 835 0490


Enliven Waitemata

Referrals are received via ACC or Taikura Trust or DHBs, also run Individualised Funding services.


2171 Great North Road, Avondale, Auckland 0600

+64 9 835 0490


Halberg Disability Sport Foundation

Assisting physically disabled young people participate in sport and recreation

HealthCare NZ - Penrose

HealthCare NZ - Penrose


Link to website for all wellbeing services - Medical & Health (clinics, GP, pharmacy), Social, Families services


6 Waddon Place Mangere Auckland 2022

(09) 255 0600


Hearing Association (Auckland) Inc.

Disability Supports

Hohepa Auckland

Offer opportunities for special needs children and adults with an intellectual disability.

Homes of choice (Spectrum Care)

Hospice West Auckland

Patients and carers can contact 0800 for support 24/7, provide health care, social care, onsite services at Hospice House in Te Atatu Peninsula, after hours phone advice.

Huakina Development Trust

Aims to provide support in health & wellbeing, education and environmental issues to those in the Franklin, Manukau, Papakura and Waikato regions


15-17 Roulston Street, Pukekohe, Auckland 2120

IHC (IDEA Services)

Support with vocational and day services, supported accommodation for whanau experiencing mental health challenges (dual diagnosis) including compulsory care that focuses on rehabilitation.
