Self Isolation

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What does self-isolation mean?

Self-isolation means that you have not been in any places for 14 days where you could give the COVID-19 virus to other people, and you have stayed at home.

A virus is something that can make people sick.

It can take up to 14 days from the time a person has been around someone with COVID-19 to when they get sick.

It is important to self-isolate - so that the virus is not passed on to other people - if you do get sick during this time.

You need to call Healthline if:

  1. You are not sure if you should self-isolate.
  2. You decide to self-isolate.

The phone number for Healthline is

0800 358 5453

It will not cost you any money to call Healthline.

Healthline is open all the time – day and night.

Who needs to self-isolate?

You need to self-isolate if you:

  1. Have been tested and found to have COVID-19.
  2. Have been tested for COVID-19 and waiting to find out your results.
  3. Have been in close contact in the last 14 days with someone who has been told they have COVID-19.

If you are feeling sick and you:

  1. Have a cough.
  2. Have a fever – this is when you are feeling really hot.
  3. Are finding it hard to breathe.

You need to self-isolate.

People coming into New Zealand from overseas also need to self-isolate for 14 days from the day they left the overseas country.
